ZNCC explores new avenues for growth

Fresh industrialization leap by ZNCC

By Mazvita Chimbetete

Jun 28, 2024

The Zimbabwe National Chambers of Commerce held their Annual congress at the resort town Victoria Falls on the 26 of June 2024.

The ZNCC Annual Congress under the theme ‘new frontiers for sustainable industrialization and climate-smart business growth’ was meant to push for industrialization emancipation not forgetting climate preservation.

This year’s theme sets the stage for a trans-formative journey towards green growth where the economy thrives while protecting the environment for a resilient future for Zimbabwe said Honorable Minister Nqobizitha.

Hon Minister Nqobizitha said, ‘’the ZNCC has always been a pillar of strength, that unwavering and uncompromising voice beacon of hope for our business community.

‘This year’s theme calls on us all to be pioneers in climate-smart business practices, ensuring that our industries grow while minimizing their environmental footprint.’

Hon Minister Nqobizitha urged business leaders to take full advantage of the opportunities presented at the ZNCC congress in order to network, share ideas and to collaborate on projects that will drive our industrial sector forward.

ZNCC main goal is to ensure that Zimbabwe is not only open for business but is a preferred destination for investment said Hon Minister Nqobizitha. He went further to say that in order to achieve that goal there is a call to every stakeholder to contribute to that objective in whatever way possible.

Initiatives such as the annual state of industry and commerce survey that are sphere headed by ZNCC and partners are crucial in guiding policy directions said Hon Minister Nqobizitha.
The event attracted the presence of international speakers and delagates from the region and beyond.

Reflecting on the 2023 ZNCC Annual Congress I recall the important issues discussed and the ultimate resolutions many of which have been and are being acted upon by the second Republic said Hon Nqobizitha.

Hon Minister Nqobizita said efforts are under way to promote energy efficiency and renewable energy with companies and regulatory bodies collaborating to adopt cleaner technologies which are climate-smart business growth particularly in sectors such as agriculture and tourism. Business sector urged to holistically address climate change said Hon Minister Nqobizitha Zimbabwe was not spared by the effects of EI-Nino induced droughts.

Hon Minister Nqobizitha urged the private sector to collaborate with the universities and other research institutions in order to come up with innovative mitigation strategies.

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