TonnieMr9 looking inside the music industry future

The music industry is used by most people for entertainment, refreshment of the mind and also as way of conveying messages in song form.

By Whesly Handiseni

Feb 4, 2024

Elton Panashe Kwaramba aka TonnieMr9 is an upcoming producer and musician, born in Chitungwiza and currently based in Crowhill. TonnieMr9, who is 25 started his music journey back in 2014 and he has released more than 30 songs under his recording label and at least 20 songs bearing his name. Today News journalist Whesly Handiseni had the chance and opportunity to interview Elton Panashe Kwaramba on his craft.

WH: What motivated you to be in music industry?
EPK: Well, when I was growing up I used music as an escape,even now for instance when I am low or bored I play music and I will feel revived. I have a love for music so I had to push myself to do music.

WH: What type of genre/s do you focus on producing and why?
EPK: I do produce dancehall, hiphop and gospel but my best and favorite genre is Afro pop, the bouncy vibe that comes out of it, is the fire to me.

WH: What is your best and favorite song/s you have produced since you started?
EPK: Music comes with different lyrical content. So basically on this question I will say my newly released song titled ‘Haaroore’ is my favorite compared to the previously released singles like My heart hurts, Karma, 911 ..

WH: Since you are the producer, where is your studio situated and who do your work with?
EPK: For now I am flying solo on all my projects. I am still using a bedroom studio. However, I have other upcoming producers named TkT studio, JTK and JGBeats whom I work with from time to time.

WH: What are the advantages and challenges you are experiencing as a producer and musician?
EPK: Thank you the question, as a producer , I do earn from recording other musicians. On the other side, I am looking to save up for a proper space to setup a studio and buy equipment as well. I have a limited fan base, which I hope to grow this year when the opportunity arises for me to have my music gain access to mainstream radio for visibility.

WH: Do you have any collaborations you have done so far?
EPK: Yes, I have done several collaborations with other upcoming musicians, who are also not popular yet. I have collaborated with Towdah, Taith, Ninja Maxie, Kendrix Xim and Mimsheck Mbizo.

WH: What is your dream and wish as a musician in Zimbabwe music industry?
EPK: Firstly, through this journey I really need a mentor who can push and help me to reach to the top through distribution of my music. My dream is to have a state of the art studio where I can focus on production and mixing and mastering for upcoming artists so that they can enjoy airplay at major radio stations.

TonnieMr9 is a youth with passion for music and he is striving for the best in the future. For those who may want to hear his music or who may want to sponsor and mentor him, get in touch with him on +263777063346 for calls and +263713673929 for WhatsApp. Also follow him on Tiktok, YouTube and Instagram @TonnieMr9 and on AudioMack username is Sir Tonnie.

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