Gospel artist drops a single

Mhondoro Ngezi gospel upcoming artist Olivia Nyamukuvengu ,released a single called Makavimbisa this week which was produced by Makumbe Productions.

By Tatenda Matambo

Feb 4, 2024

In an interview with Today News Desk Olivia Nyamukuvengu said the track Makavimbisa was inpired by the word of God and its promise to the people.

"Makavimbisa is a prayer to God reminding him of his promises to us, then we'll not fear or let tribulations destroy us and we stand on his promises . As the Bible says God is not a man I believe He will not change,'she said.

She however said Makavimbisa is the title track for the upcoming album which is set to be released at the end of April this year and her fans are in for a treat as she promises the album is a masterpiece.

The title track has been recieved so well by my fans and it has given so much hope that God is with us and I am excited for them to listen to the full album .'said Olivia.

Olivia Mamukuvengu started singing at a tender age of 5 singing in church ,She participated in church music and has been a worship leader since 2000.In 2019 she started recording and up to date has 3 albums and 9 singles.She collaborated wi Lynos Mangoti in the song titled "Jesus is the way" and it recieved airplay at Platinum fm and Nyaminyami FM. Then collaborated with Normal Joseph in a song called "Angels Bow Before You Lord" and recieved airplay from Radio Zimbabwe and Platinum FM.

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