Seh Calaz weighs in on the issue of copyrights

Dancehall star blasts producers, says industry needs overhaul

By Tatenda Matambo

Mar 4, 2024

Reggae and dancehall chanter Seh Calaz gave his thoughts on the current issue of copyrights ,he stated that it is creating a bridge between producers and artists in the music industry.

He warned the producers on the impact the issue of copyrights has on their brands saying that no artist will want to work with them. "Upcoming producers mainly work without terms and conditions because they are still growing the issue of copyrights will then come after they discovered the artist they used to work with is riding the waves of success,'' said Seh Calaz.

"When I started singing we heard that Winky D would never sing on a riddim without signing an agreement with the producer, ''he said. Internet music is paying less than 5 artists in Zimbabwe some of us we did not have Youtube accounts we can still feed our families everyday until the issue of copyright comes to live shows, thats when will fight,'' sad Seh Calaz.

Lastly, he warns producers not to ruin their jobs because they want to prove a point to the people.

"Producers be warned ,do not ruin your work because you do not want to be left out ,no-one will come at your studios after seeing that side of you and no-one will want to work with you, the least you could do is to sit down with the artist reach an agreement before issuing copyright claims,'' said Seh Calaz.

The issue of copyrights began when the Pastor Charles and Olivia Charamba took down two of Jah Signal's songs, followed by Kenako music taking down Winky D's songs over a copyright infringement as well .

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