Rising gospel diva dishes out fresh track

Rising gospel diva dishes out fresh track

Angeline Chitemera gave her fans a new track as people headed for the new month of August.

The track titled 'All For You' which was released at the end of the month of July gave people what they we yearning for as we head for last half of 2024.

In an interview, Angeline stated that the song is about recognizing what has God done for here. She also stated that it also speaks about the confidence to put everything in the Lords hands and knowing that all is well.

As an individual, Angeline stated that she came up with the song after having near death experiences and also her losing her loved one and her being there and be gone the next minute.

She also stated that the song resonates with anyone who sees the hand of God in their life. "The track does remind the listener that He is the way, the truth and the light." Angeline stated.

'Its not yet on the horizon for a few years but listeners can get more singles in the coming months and two more are on their way come end of year,' added Chitemera.

On her dream collaborations, Angeline stated that she would love to have artists such as Joyful Praise, Kuda Mutsvene and Feli Nandi.